Calling Commands

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Reflex Commands are called through the Reflex Console, as plain text.

Command Format

Each command consists of a command name and (optionally) a list of parameters. These are the command terms. Terms are separated by spaces.

Method Commands

For commands that are backed by static methods, the parameters are equivalent to the parameters of the method. Optional parameters will be shown with their default values and can be omitted, just like when calling from code.

Field Commands

For commands that are backed by static fields, there is a single optional parameter. Leaving this parameter blank will simply output the current value to the console output. Specifying this parameter will update the value of the field.

Property Commands

For commands backed by static properties, there will be a single parameter if the property supports set{}<code. If the property supports both set{} and get{} then this parameter will be optional.

Non-static Commands

In all cases, non-static commands will have an additional parameter to specify the instance / target object that the console should use. See Command Limitations for details of which types can define non-static commands.

Using Autocomplete

As you type command names and parameter names, the suggestions box will display possible matches. You can cycle through these autocomplete options by pressing Down on the keyboard or Tab.

For more on autocomplete and suggestions, see Suggestions.

Browsing History

Commands that have been executed will be added to the history, you can browse the history by pressing the up arrow on the keyboard.