Creating Commands

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Creating Commands: You can create commands from any c# methods, fields or properties by adding the [ConsoleCommand] attribute.

Basic Example

using ReflexCLI.Attributes;

namespace CommandTest
    class TestCommandLibrary
        private static string Echo(string inString)
            return inString;
        protected static int IntegerField = 32;
        public static bool BooleanProperty
            get { return IntegerField > 0; }

This will create the following commands:

  1. CommandTest.TestCommandLibrary.Echo
  2. CommandTest.TestCommandLibrary.IntegerField
  3. CommandTest.TestCommandLibrary.BooleanProperty

Customising Command Prefixes

By default, the commands are given fully-qualified names with namespaces etc., which can get pretty verbose. This can be fixed by using a [CommandConsoleClassCustomizer] attribute on the class:

namespace CommandTest
	class TestCommandLibrary
		// etc.

This will change the prefix of the commands to TestCommand. and so the commands become:

  1. TestCommand.Echo
  2. TestCommand.IntegerField
  3. TestCommand.BooleanProperty

Customising Command Names

You can also customize the name of the commands by adding the optional parameter to [ConsoleCommand]. For example

    protected static int IntegerField = 32;

which will change this command to be TestCommand.Int.


There are some limitations on what members can be turned into commands. See Command Limitations for details.